I found immigration documents on my Ashkenazi Jewish ancestors to United States.
I know that my maternal grandmother's mother' s name was Ruth Rosenthal born in Nebraska in 1913. 1930 and 1940 Census Records showed that her parents were Max Rosenthal born in Romania in 1886 and Irene born in Latvia in 1912. Max's father was Samuel Rosenthal born in Romania in 1858. They were Ashkenazi Jews.
Max and Irene's Scotts Bluff, Nebraska marriage certificate revealed that Irene's maiden name was Hosias. Max's parents were revealed to be Samuel Rosenthal and Mary Josephs. Irene's parents were revealed to be Herman Hosias and Sarah Hershberg.
My 3rd Great Grandfather Samuel Rosenthal's 1908 Declaration of Intention shows that he was born in Ploiesti, Romania on November 28, 1863. He emigrated from Hamburg, Germany. His last foreign residence was Ploiesti, Romania. He arrived in New York, New York on June 24, 1901. He was a tinner. He was recorded as white, 5'6 with black/gray hair, blue eyes, and ruddy complexion. He was recorded as residing in 1714 Beaver Ave Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
My 2nd Great Grandfather Max Rosenthal's 1908 Declaration of Intention shows that he was born in Ploiesti, Romania on February 15, 1886. He emigrated from Rotterdam, Holland. His last foreign residence was Ploiesti, Romania. He arrived in New York, New York on February 2, 1901. He was a mill worker. He was recorded as white, 5'7 with brown hair, brown eyes, and dark complexion. He was recorded as residing in 1714 Beaver Ave Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
Max Rosenthal's 1918 World War I Draft registration showed that he was living on 1573 Hooker in Denver, Colorado. His birthdate was recorded as February 25, 1886. His nearest relative was recorded as Irene Rosenthal. He was recorded as white, of medium height, medium build with brown hair and brown eyes.
Max's parents Samuel and Mary lived in Denver, Colorado.
US 1910 Census showed that Samuel Rosenthal was 51 born in 1859 in Romania. He was living on Dale Coast in Denver, Colorado. Both of his parents' birthplaces were listed as Romania. His native tongue was recorded as English. He had a job as a tinner. He rented a house. He was able to read and write. He is recorded as being married for 28 years. His wife was Mary age 48. They had two sons Willie age 16 and Joseph age 10, and they had a daughter Eva age 6.
US 1910 Census showed that Mary was born in Romania. She immigrated in 1901. Both of her parents' birthplaces were listed as Romania. Her native tongue was recorded as Yiddish. She was not able to read nor write. She had 9 children that were born and 5 of them were living.
US 1910 Census showed that Eva was born in Pennsylvania.
US 1910 Census showed that Max Rosenthal was age 24 born in 1886 in Romania. He immigrated in 1901. He was living in Torrington, Wyoming. Both of his parents' birthplaces were listed as Romania. His native tongue was recorded as English. He was a self-employed tinner. He was able to read and write. He was living on a farm that he owned. He was single.
US 1920 Census showed that Samuel Rosenthal was 58 born in 1862 in Romania. He was living on 2831 Curtis St in Denver, Colorado. Both of his parents' birthplaces were listed as Romania. His native tongue was recorded as Romanian and able to speak English. His immigration year was recorded as 1892. He had a job as a tinner. He rented a house. He was able to read and write. His wife was recorded as Mary age 56, and they had a daughter Eva age 16. They're definitely the same family as the one in 1910 US Census.
My mother and I have a 4th-6th Cousin AncestryDNA that put down Leo Max Rosenthal born Jan 24, 1919 in Denver, Colorado as her father and that his parents were William Rosenthal and Ida Kallich.
1920 US Census showed William Rosenthal age 25 born in 1895 in Romania. He was living on 2662 W Colfax in Denver, Colorado. Both of his parents' birthplaces were listed as Romania. His native tongue was recorded as Yiddish. He was a self-employed Hatter. He rented a house. He was able to read and write. His wife was Ida age 21. They had a daughter Anita age 3 and a son Leonard who was less than a year old.
This AncestryDNA match is a grand daughter of my 2nd Great Grandfather Max's brother William. Therefore, she and I are 2nd cousins, twice removed.
At AncestryDNA She shares
28 centimorgans across 3 segments, Unweighted shared DNA: 39 centimorgans, Longest segment: 24 centimorgans with me
63 centimorgans across 5 segments, Unweighted shared DNA: 87 centimorgans, Longest segment: 24 centimorgans with my mother
At 23andme, she shares
7.62 cM on Chromosome 1 and 17.56 cM on Chromosome 19 with a total of 26 cM with me
7.57 cM and 24.49 cM on Chromosome 1, 23.17 cM on Chromosome 15, and 18.35 cM on Chromosome 19 with a total of 74 cM with my mother
My mother and I have a 23andme match that has Berger and Rosenthal family lines. In his family tree at ancestry.com, he put down Eva Rosenthal born April 11, 1904 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania as his maternal grandmother and that she was married to Alex Berger and had lived in Denver. His 23andme profile lists his maternal grandmother's birthplace as Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and his maternal grandfather's birthplace as Denver, Colorado.
This 23andme match is a grandson of my 2nd Great Grandfather Max's sister Eva. Therefore, he and I are 2nd cousins, twice removed.
he shares
7.63 cM segment on Chromosome 1 , 38.85 cM segment on Chromosome 8, 6.74 cM on Chromosome 21 for a total of 54 cM with me
7.56 cM segment and 26.50 cM on Chromosome 1, 5.51 cM on Chromosome 2, 16.59 cM on Chromosome 5, 38.85 cM on Chromosome 8, 6.94 cM on Chromosome 12, 20.83 cM on Chromosome 15, 21.96 on Chromosome 21 for a total of 145 cM with my mother
23andme shows that his mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is K2a2a which is recognized as one of the major Ashkenazi Jewish haplogroups. Keep in mind that his maternal grandmother was my 2nd Great Grandfather' Max's sister, and they were the children of Samuel Rosenthal and Mary Josephs. Therefore, K2a2a was also my 2nd Great Grandfather Max's mitochondrial DNA haplogroup which was passed down to him from his mother, Mary. This gives more genetic information about my Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
My Rosenthal family lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania after they left Romania and then relocated to Denver, Colorado.
My 2nd Great Grandparents Max and Irene must have met in Pittsburgh, but Max was living in Torrington, Wyoming in 1910 and his parents were living in Denver in 1910. Irene immigrated to USA in 1911, but her parents were already living in Pittsburgh in 1906. Maybe Max's family and Irene's family were well acquainted with each other before Irene came to USA. They may have done a little matchmaking.
Thank God my Rosenthal family and Hosias family immigrated to USA before World War 1 with both ending up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Immigration of my Ashkenazi Jewish Hosias Family of Mitau, Courland, Russia (Jelgava, Latvia)
1910 US Census record of Max Rosenthal
1930 US Census Record of Max Rosenthal
Marriage Record of Max Rosenthal and Irene Hosias
World War 1 Registration of Max Rosenthal
1910 US Census Record of Samuel Rosenthal
1920 US Census Record of Samuel Rosenthal
1920 US Census record of William Rosenthal
Declaration of Intention of Samuel Rosenthal
Declaration of Intention of Max Rosenthal
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