I want to raise awareness about flaws in MyTrueAncestry's working with Ancient Samples and Deep Dives.
I emailed the company about the problems.
How MyTrueAncestry Works
Our mission is to help you take your DNA results a step further. Discover your ancient relatives by comparing yourself to thousands of ancient samples from real archaeological sites. Our simple and secure service puts 10000 years of history, and over 85 ancient civilizations from around the world, at your fingertips.
Samples are retrieved from archaelogical digs (e.g. a tooth from human remains) and the DNA is scanned in a complex process aligning the data with the human genome. Samples which are of high quality can then be processed as Ancient DNA samples.
Raw samples are available to the public on online academic databases in raw format. Many ancient samples are of poor quality, but using advanced techniques it is possible to pull valuable information which can be used for comparisons.
By combining the latest archaeogenetic techniques with powerful admixture algorithms and cloud computing, MyTrueAncestry can accurately compare anyone with a wide variety of Ancient DNA samples. Via data triangulation and clustering, one can be categorized and compared with ancestors separated by thousands of years.
We collect and process samples from various public sources including for example the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) where raw SRA files are available.
Deep Dive results represent proven chromosome matches between you and the ancient person. Ancient samples are ancient people who share your admixture signature. Deep Dive results are more conclusive but both are useful and often times match.
A sample match means you share genetic markers with the sample and indicates you share similiar ancestry (the smaller the genetic distance, the closer you are). A deep dive match means you share DNA segments with the sample providing direct evidence of common ancestry with the individual.
MyTrueAncestry is overinflating African in Ancient Samples and Deep Dives in people that are around an even mix of African and European like myself. They're also overinflating West Eurasian in Ancient Samples and Deep Dives in people that are predominantly European but have around 1/8 African ancestry like my mother does.
MyTrue Ancestry Ancient Samples and Deep Dives makes me look like all my recent ancestry is African.
My True Ancestry makes my mother look like all her recent ancestry is European like a Northern Italian.
Obviously, there is no way that I should be looking like I am a full modern African if my mother is looking like a full modern European. Something is obviously wrong with how MyTrueAncestry does Ancient Samples and Deep Dives for significantly continentally mixed people like my mother and me.
I have to check my mother's MyTrueAncestry Ancient Samples and Deep Dives to get information about my ancient/medieval West Eurasian ancestry. That would be about only my maternal ancient/medieval West Eurasian ancestry . Like most African Americans, my African American father was part European. I cannot get any information about my paternal ancient/medieval West Eurasian ancestry. My father is dead, and so he cannot be tested. I know that he had English and French ancestry from his maternal grandmother's paternal grandfather who was European American. I inherited 4.3% European from my father. My paternal half brother is the son of a European American woman, and he inherited between 7 and 8% European from our father.
If you're around an even mix of African and European , your Ancient Samples and Deep Dives will be predominantly African and can be as much as 99% African. The increase of African Ancient Samples and Deep Dives will lead to less West Eurasian Ancient Samples and Deep Dives. Your Ancient Sample Breakdown and Deep Dive Breakdown will be looking more African as the African Ancient Samples and Deep Dives increase. If you're predominantly European with around 1/8 African, your Ancient Sample Breakdown and Deep Dive Breakdown will be looking more West Eurasian as the West Eurasian Ancient Samples and Deep Dives increase. Your Ancient Samples can be 100% West Eurasian. Your Deep Dives can be over 95% West Eurasian.
My Ancient Sample Breakdown showing 99.83% African
My Ancient Deep Dive Breakdown showing 99.59% African
My mother's Ancient Deep Dive Breakdown showing 96.71% West Eurasian.
My mother's Closest Modern Populations
(ancient ancestry)

My Genealogical Ancestry
I am a 4th generation Californian on my mother's side, and my father was a 7th generation Southern Louisianan.
paternal grandfather's father: African American born in Lafourche Parish (an Acadiana parish) in Southern Louisiana
other roots in District of Columbia, North Carolina, Tennessee
Y DNA haplogroup E-BY101982 (a E2b1 haplogroup)
paternal grandfather's mother: African American born in Lafourche Parish (an Acadiana parish) in Southern Louisiana
other roots in Missouri, Virginia
paternal grandmother's father: African American born in Assumption Parish (an Acadiana parish) in Southern Louisiana
other roots in Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Kentucky
paternal grandmother's mother: African American with English and Acadian (French in what now known as Nova Scotia), Polish, German, Danish, Irish, and Malagasy (from Madagascar) born in St Mary Parish (an Acadiana parish) in Southern Louisiana
colonial roots in Acadiana parishes in Southern Louisiana, Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup L3e1
maternal grandfather's father: American born in California and son of immigrants from Cape Verde (Portuguese and Sub-Saharan African)
maternal grandfather's mother: American born in California with a father from Puerto Rico (Spanish, Sub-Saharan African, and Taino) and a mother that was a Hawaiian daughter of immigrants from Madeira (Portuguese with Sub Saharan African)
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup L0a2a2
maternal grandmother's father: European American born in Oregon of mainly English ancestry with German, Swiss, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, and Frisian
colonial roots in Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island
other roots in Missouri, Kansas, Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana
Y DNA haplogroup J-Z37545 (a J2a4h haplogroup)
maternal grandmother's mother: Ashkenazi Jewish American born in Nebraska with a father born in Romania and a mother born in Courland (in what is now known as Latvia) in Russian Empire
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup J1c14
Because of the Transatlantic Slave trade, I know very little about my Sub-Saharan African ancestry, but I am sure that it's mainly from West Africa. Most of the Sub-Saharan African slaves were brought from West Africa. Africa has over 3,000 ethnic groups, and that includes Nigeria having over 400 ethnic groups. My Sub Saharan African ancestry is highly likely to consist of many Sub-Saharan African ethnic groups as well as some ancestry from Southeast Africa (some of it is Malagasy). I have some Indigenous American segments on my paternal chromosomes and not just my maternal chromosomes and X Chromosome. Some of it is Nottoway in Virginia on my paternal grandmothers' side. I also have some Swiss ancestry on my paternal grandmother's side.
My highly mixed, diverse ancestry is reflected in my DNA relative matches at AncestryDNA, 23andme, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, and GEDmatch.
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