I have been exploring the connection between my paternal grandfather Nolan Scott's father Ivory Scott and Harry Ordogne.
Great Grandpa Ivory listed Harry Ordoyne (Ordogne) as the person who will knows his address on his World War 2 Draft Registration card. His address at the time was 1318 St. Charles St in Thibodaux, Louisiana.
1940 Census shows the Scott family without Great Grandpa Ivory were living at 517 East Twelfth Street in Thibodaux, Louisiana.
Considering this Census Record and World War 2 Draft Registration Card, Great Grandpa Ivory and his wife Dicey were clearly going through a separation.
1950 Census shows Great Grandpa Ivory living with his family at the same address 1318 St. Charles St in Thibodaux, Louisiana listed on his World War 2 Draft Registration Card.
1920 Census shows Great Grandpa Ivory and Dicey lived in a household between a Thibodeaux family and Boudreaux (wrongly transcribed as Bondux) family in a farming community on Bayou Lafourche Road.
They were living on the sugar plantation Laurel Valley Plantation which is 2.3 miles east of Thibodaux.
Great Grandpa Ivory's neighboring Thibodeaux and Boudreaux households were related to each other and Harry Ordogne.
Harry Joseph Ordogne (born 1905)
father: Clovis Nicolas Ordogne (born 1880)
paternal grandfather: Louis Aime Ordogne (born 1842)
paternal grandmother: Cecilia Ford (born 1850)
paternal great grandfather: Napoleon Ford (born 1814)
paternal 2nd Great Grandparents: Joseph Ford (born 1761) and Rosalie Roger (born 1777)
Boudreaux household
Clabert Boudreaux - head (born 1876)
Josephine Thibodeaux Boudreaux - wife (born 1886)
Josephine's ancestors:
mother: Delphine Aurelia Ordogne (born 1867)
maternal grandfather: Louis Aime Ordogne (born 1842)
maternal grandmother: Cecilia Ford (born 1850)
maternal great grandfather: Napoleon Ford (born 1814)
maternal 2nd Great Grandparents: Joseph Ford (born 1761) and Rosalie Roger (born 1777)
1920 Census shows Louis was living in the Boudreaux household
Harry and Josephine were 1st Cousins.
Thibodeaux household
Joachim Thibodeaux - head (born 1874)
mother: Benedicte Farelie Sanchez (born 1855)
maternal grandmother: Marie Mathilde Hebert (born 1839)
maternal great grandmother: Pharalise Rose Ford (born 1808)
maternal 2nd great grandparents: Joseph Ford (born 1761) and Rosalie Roger (born 1777)
The household after Clabert Boudreaux's household is that of Ernest Boudreaux (born 1857) and his wife Agnes Ford Boudreaux.
Ernest and Clabert were brothers.
They were in same household in 1880 Census with Valery and Marie Boudreaux as their parents.
Agnes seemed to have been related to Harry, Josephine, and Joachim through the Ford family.
Joachim was 3rd Cousins with Harry and Josephine.
Joachim and Josephine seem to have also been related to each other through shared ancestral family Thibodeaux.
Harry, Josephine, and Clabert were cousins through sharing Joseph Ford and Roger Rosalie as 2nd Great Grandparents.
There seems to be be a cousin connection that Great Grandpa Ivory had with Harry, Josephine, and Clabert.
One of the Census Records show him reporting that his father's birthplace was Virginia and his mother's birthplace was Louisiana.
His mother Marrian may have been a Louisiana Creole with some French ancestry.
Joseph Ford's patrilineal ancestry was Huguenot and had some roots in Virginia
Rosalie Roger was Acadian
shared Acadian ancestors that my paternal grandmother Mary Alice Gaines' maternal grandfather's paternal grandmother Anastasia Bourgeois had with Rosalie Roger:
Abraham Dugas and Marguerite Doucet who were my 10th Great Grandparents once and 11th Great Grandparents once
Jacques Bourgeois and Jeanne Trahan who were my 10th Great Grandparents twice and 11th Great Grandparents once
Claude Terriot and Marie Gautrot who were my 10th Great Grandparents once
Antoine Bourg and Antoinette Landry who were my 10th Great Grandparents once
Jean Terriot and Perrine Rau who were my 10th Great Grandparents three times and 11th Great Grandparents twice
Jean Gaudet and Nicole Colleston who were my 11th Great Grandparents
There is a possibility that both Grandpa Nolan and Grandma Mary were distant cousins through shared Acadian ancestral families.
Rosalie Roger
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