I just found AncestryDNA confirmation of Carrie Johnson's son Nolan Scott being my paternal grandfather.
I was going over matches looking for people with ancestral family name Johnson in family tree and ancestral location Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.
The reason why I did that is because I had found a Nolan Scott that might be my paternal grandfather who was father of my father Lawrence Nolan Scott with my paternal grandmother Mary Alice Gaines. He is around the same age that my father was born on January 2, 1941. That's 30 years old.
short explanation about my family background to explain why I don't know my paternal grandfather nor his side of the family:
I don't know who were my paternal grandfather's parents for I have grown up never knowing my African American father nor his side of the family. Out of my father's side of the family, I know only my paternal grandmother's side of the family. That was only after my father's maternal half sister's daughter saw my ancestry site message board post looking for my father's family and emailing me back in late 2014. Unfortunately, my father's maternal half sister knows nothing about my paternal grandfather at all. I am searching for my paternal grandfather's side of the family. My father was born in Louisiana, and both his parents were born in Louisiana.
There was a draft registration record of a Nolan Scott born on February 5, 1909 in Thibadoux, Louisiana. The registration was on October 16, 1940 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mrs Carrie Johnson was listed as his mother, and they were both recorded as living at 2129 Euterpe St in New Orleans, Louisiana. His race was marked as Negro. At the top of the record says deceased January 31, 1944.
There was a 1940 US Census of Noland Scott recorded as being born in Louisiana in 1911 and living at 2129 Felicity St in New Orleans Louisiana. Carrie Johnson was listed as head of household and being born in Louisiana in 1895, and Noland's relationship to her was recorded as lodger.
There was a 1910 US Census record of Nolan Scott born in 1909 and living in Police Jury Ward 5, Lafourche, Louisiana. Thibodaux is in Lafourche Parish. He was recorded as being grandson to the head of household, Rosanna Johnson in Louisiana. One of Rosanna's children was Carrie Johnson age 19. Her other children were Orelia, Major, Thomas, Corestine, and Ervin. Rosanna was recorded as having 11 children with 10 of them alive. She also had grand daughters Nobie Seyenger and Annie Pike.
There was a 1920 US Census record of Nolan Scott born in 1909 and living in Precinct 2 in Lafourche, Louisiana and listed as grandson to head of household Harvey Johnson born in 1860 in Louisiana, female, widow. That had to be Rosanna Johnson, widow of Harvey Johnson.
There is a 1900 US Census record of Carrie Johnson born in April 1895 in Louisiana and living in Police Jury Ward 5, Lafourche, Louisiana. Her parents were listed as Harvey and Rosanna. She's the youngest of their children that also included Virginia, Nazry, Sarah, Relia, Major, Ewin, and Thomas.
I have no doubt that Nolan Scott listed in draft registration record was the son of Carrie Johnson whose parents were Harvey Johnson and Rosanna, but I wasn't sure if this Nolan Scott was the same as my paternal grandfather. This Nolan Scott seems to be the only son of Carrie Johnson with a man with the last name Scott. My mother told me that my father told her that his father had brothers. She told me that my father told her that he relocated to Los Angeles from New Orleans to be with one of his paternal uncles. She also told me that my father told her that his paternal grandmother lived in a house in Lake Charles as well as she would put snakes on her house porch to ward off the negative spirits. My father was strongly influenced to take Voodoo/Hoodoo seriously from his paternal grandmother.
I found all the records over a year and half ago.
According to Nolan Scott's Census record showing that he was born around 1909 and Carrie Johnson's record Census Record showing that she was born around 1895. Carrie gave birth to Nolan when she was around 14 years old.
Among my paternal AncestryDNA matches with Johnson as ancestral family name and Lafourche Parish as an ancestral location, I found :
A. Rhodes
estimated relationship is 4th-6th Cousin
shared DNA is 30 cM across 1 segment
unweighted DNA is 36 cM
longest segment is 36 cM
He's a grandson of Madison Rhodes and Maggie Williams
C. Braud
estimated relationship is 5th-8th Cousin
shared DNA is 19 cM across 1 segment
unweighted shared DNA is 20 cM
longest segment is 20 cM
He's a great grandson of Madison Rhodes and Maggie Williams
Therefore, he and A. Rhodes are 1st Cousins, Once Removed.
Maggie Williams was the daughter of Hudson Williams and Maria Johnson.
Therefore, she is A. Rhodes' great grandmother and C. Braud's 2nd Great Grandmother
Both A. Rhodes and C. Braud have Rosanna Johnson as Maria Johnson's mother, and she was a widow living with her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish.
Maria Johnson was the daughter of Harvey Johnson and Rosanna who were Carrie Johnson's parents and Nolan Scott's grandparents!
Therefore, Harvey Johnson and Rosanna were A. Rhoades' 2nd great grandparents and C. Braud's 3rd Great Grandparents.
These DNA matches seem to confirm that Nolan Scott, who was son of Carrie Johnson and grandson of Harvey Johnson and Rosanna, was my paternal grandfather and the father of my father Lawrence Nolan Scott with my paternal grandmother Mary Alice Gaines.
This Nolan Scott was my paternal Grandfather.
Carrie Johnson was my paternal Great Grandmother.
Harvey Johnson and Rosanna were my paternal 2nd Great Grandparents.
Both of my paternal grandparents have a Johnson ancestral family.
My paternal grandmother's maternal grandmother was Mary Johnson who was born in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana.
A. Rhodes and I are 3rd Cousins and not 4th-6th Cousins that AncestryDNA shows.
C. Braud and I are 3rd Cousins, Once Removed and not 5th-8th Cousins that AncestryDNA shows.
I finally have DNA relative matches that I know that are on my paternal grandfather's side, and I put them in group Paternal Grandfather's Side.
Considering that my father was born on January 2, 1941 and Grandpa Nolan's Draft Registration Record dated October 16, 1940 listed Carrie and not Grandma Alice, I don't think that my grandparents were ever married. Grandpa Nolan was out of the picture, and that may be due to being drafted and killed during World War 2. My father stayed with his maternal grandparents for awhile while my Grandma Mary went back to school. Grandma Mary married Willie Prince Simmons, and they had two children named Willie Prince Simmons when my father was 8 years old and Carrie Priscilla Simmons when my father was 16 years old.
I still have to find out who was Grandpa Nolan's father. He must have had other sons with another woman. Maybe it was his side of the family that lived in Lake Charles. Grandpa Nolan must have had paternal half brothers with one of them relocating to Los Angeles with my father moving in with him later on. Grandpa Nolan is reported to have both parents born in Louisiana. I wonder how far back the Louisianan roots are. I also wonder if the Jamaican roots that my father told my mother that his father had are on Grandpa Nolan's paternal side of the family. On Grandma Mary's side, my father was a 7th generation Louisianan because of an Anglo-Cajun 2nd Great Grandfather that was a slaveowner.
I want to find out who 2nd Great Grandpa Harvey parents were and who 2nd Great Grandma Rosanna's parents were. I am very sure that my 2nd Great Grandparents and their parents were slaves. I am looking at the possibility that 2nd Great Grandpa Harvey's parents were Henry Johnson born 1835 in Missouri and Mary Ann born 1844 in Maryland. I am looking at the possibility that 2nd Great Grandma Rosanna's parents were Jordan Hester born 1841 in Alabama and Theresa Poiner born in Louisiana in 1845. They were all families living in Lafourche Parish.
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