I was checking out information about my maternal grandfather's Cape Verdean ancestors.
My maternal grandfather's father's name was Peter Andrade whose last name was changed to Andrews. He was married to my maternal grandfather's mother Marion Isabelle Ocacio who was the daughter of Puerto Rican Jose 'Joseph' Ocacio and Hawaiian born daughter of Madeiran immigrants Maria Pereira de Jesus. According to 1940 US Census, they were living in Sacramento, California. Their race is recorded as white.
He was the son of Denis Andrade and Dominga Gomes who also were the parents of John and Louisa. According to 1910 US Census, they were living in Hawaii. Their race was recorded as Portuguese. Peter and his siblings were recorded as being born in California. Denis and Dominga were recorded as being born in Portugal.
Denis and Dominga divorced. Dominga was remarried to August Cardoza, and they had a daughter named Lucille.
There is a 1930 US Census Record of Peter living with his mother, stepfather, and sister. Their race is recorded as white. According to the record, he was divorced. Apparently, my great grandmother Marion was not his first wife.
At 23andme and AncestryDNA, my mother and I ended up getting a match that is half 2nd Cousin to my mother.
According to AncestryDNA
3% shared DNA/214 cM across 7 segments
Unweighted shared DNA: 214 cM
Longest segment: 84 cM
She is a great grand daughter of Denis Andrade who apparently changed his name to Andrews like my great grandfather Peter did and got remarried to Josephine Santos. Their son Walter was her grandfather.
I learned that Denis and Josephine's children were named Paraphina Sarah, Peter, Florence, Walter, Eva, Margaret, Victoria, and Manuel according to the 1920 and 1930 US Census records. Josephine's stepfather and mother John and Emily Frietas were living with them. For some reason, Denis and the family's race is recorded as Puerto Rican even though Portugal is listed as country of origin for Denis and Josephine with their natural language being recorded as Portuguese. They are recorded as white for 1930 US Census.
Peter's 1942 World War 2 Draft Registration shows him to have been born on January 16, 1904 in Broderick, Yolo County, California. He is recorded as Negro, 5'5, 140 lbs with black hair, brown eyes, and dark brown complexion.
Marriage License/Record shows that Peter was married to Mary Frietas who was the daughter of Madeiran immigrants John and Emily Frietas who were Peter's father Denis' 2nd wife Josephine's stepfather and mother. This is definitely the same family. Mary Frietas' address is 1028 Eagle Ave Alameda, California which is same address for Denis and Josephine and their family for the 1930 US Census. Peter's parents are listed as Cape Verdean Dennis Andrews and Dominga Cardoza. Peter and Josephine were recorded as being white.
Peter's Social Security Death Record showed that he died on Nov 30, 1970 in San Francisco. The birthdate is the same that's recorded for 1942 World War 2 Draft Registration, and so I know that's my great grandfather Peter.
1940 US Census Record show Denis Andrade divorced and living alone in San Francisco,, He is recorded as being white born in Portugal in 1874
Social Security Record shows Dennis Andrade born on August 8, 1873 in San Francisco. His father is recorded as Manuel Andrade. His mother is recorded as Mary Viega. His Social Security number was recorded 560017355.
Social Security Death Record shows Denis Andrews born on Aug 4, 1871 with birthplace recorded as other country. His father's last name was recorded as Andrews. His mother last name was recorded as Veiga. The Social Security number was recorded as 567017355.
1963 Social Security Record shows that my 2nd Great Grandmother Dominga is recorded as being born on August 16, 1883 in Portugal. Her parents are recorded as Jose Y Gomes and Mary Pina.
There is a Photo of a grave stone of Dennis Andrade with date Oct 17, 1943 (just a 1 day difference of social security death record shows Oct 18, 1943...just 1 day difference) with Peter Andrade with date Nov 30 1970 (same death date listed for my great grandfather Peter Andrews whose birthday is listed as January 16, 1904 on both social security death record and World War 2 Draft Registration Record). Therefore, I am very sure that this is the grave of my 2nd great grandfather Denis and great grandfather Peter.
I am also very sure that the Social Security records of Dennis Andrade/Andrews are the social security records of my 2nd Great Grandfather Denis.
I solved the mystery of who Denis Andrade's parents were.
They were Manuel Andrade and Maria 'Mary' Veiga.
1910 US Census of Peter Andrade
1930 US Census Record of Peter Andrews
1940 US Census Record of Pete Andrews
Marriage License/Certificate of Peter Andrews
Social Security Death Record of Peter Andrews
1920 US Census Record of Denis Andrews
1930 US Census Record of Dennis Andrews
1940 US Census Record of Denis Andrade
Social Security Record of Dennis Andrade
Social Security Death Record of Dennis Andrews
My mother's AncestryDNA match with her half 2nd Cousin through shared common ancestor Denis Andrade aka Dennis Andrews
Social Security Record of Dominga Gomes
Grave of Dennis and Peter Andrade
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