My Genealogical ancestry
My Louisianan father's ancestry was mostly Sub-Saharan African.
My Louisianan paternal grandfather was an African American. I was told that he had some roots in Jamaica.
His mother was a Voodoo Spiritualist, and I suspect that she had some roots in Haiti.
My Y DNA haplogroup is E-M85 (E2b1a), and so my patrilineal ancestry is Sub-Saharan African.
My Louisianan paternal grandmother was an African American with some Acadian (17th Century French settlers in Eastern Canadian Maritime Provinces) and English Virginian Colonial ancestry (17th Century). My paternal grandmother's maternal grandfather's father was the son of an Anglo-American man and a Cajun woman who was mostly Acadian with some English.
Two people in Denmark match me on my paternal Chromosome 1, and that shows that my father had Danish ancestors. On my Cajun paternal 4th Great Grandmother's side, I have a paternal 7th Great Grandmother named Anne Scalsen.
I have some paternal Amerindian chromosome segments which shows that my father had Amerindian ancestors.
My Californian mother's ancestry is mostly European.
My mother's ancestry is very mixed and diverse, and so I have to break it down.
My Californian maternal grandfather's paternal grandparents were immigrants from the Cape Verde Islands which belonged to Portugal until 1975. They were of mixed Portuguese and Sub-Saharan African ancestry. My maternal grandfather's maternal grandmother's parents were immigrants from the Madeira Islands that belong to Portugal. My maternal grandfather's mitochondrial haplogroup was L0a0a2 which indicates a Sub-Saharan African matrilineal ancestry in the Madeiran ancestors. My maternal grandfather's maternal grandmother's paternal grandfather was born in the Azores that belong to Portugal. My maternal grandfather's maternal grandfather was an immigrant from Puerto Rico. He was of mixed Spanish, Sub-Saharan African, and Taino ancestry. I suspect that there was Sephardic Jewish ancestry in all the relatives that I mentioned.
My Californian maternal grandmother was a bit of a Euro-mix. My maternal grandmother's father was the descendant of American Colonial lines (family lines came to USA in the 17th Century and 18th Century) that are English, Scottish, Irish, German, Swiss, Welsh, Dutch, and Frisian.
My maternal grandmother's mother was Ashkenazi Jewish. Her father and his parents immigrated from Romania which is located in Southeastern Europe. Her mother and her parents immigrated from Latvia which is one of the three Baltic countries located in Northeastern Europe.
My mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is J1c14 which is found in Central and Eastern Europe, and my mitochondrial DNA matches are people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
My mother has Danish DNA relative matches on Chromosome 4. She has Norwegian DNA relative matches on Chromosomes 1, 3, and 6. She has Swedish DNA relative matches on Chromosome 19. She has Italian DNA relative matches on Chromosomes 1 and 2.
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