MyHeritage's Ethnicity Estimate updated their ethnic analyses again. My mother's ethnic analysis and my paternal aunt's ethnic analysis were finally updated. During over a decade, I have learned to take ethnic analyses with a strong grain of salt and focus mainly on DNA relative matches. My Genealogical Ancestry I am a multicontinental American that is highly multiethnic, and I am related to many of my fellow Americans in many different ways. My paternal grandfather's father's ancestry was African American. He had some European ancestry. My paternal grandfather's mother's ancestry was African American. My paternal grandmother's father's ancestry was African American. He had some European ancestry. My paternal grandmother's mother's ancestry was African American with English, Acadian (French in what now known as Nova Scotia), Polish, Swiss, and German. All four of my paternal great grandparents were born in the Acadiana region in Sout...