Genetic Measurement Data of 3rd Cousins The following are genetic measurement data of my 3rd Cousins and my mother's 3rd Cousins: I don't know any 3rd Cousins on my father's side which is African American. My maternal 3rd Cousins: most recent ancestors are our 2nd Great Grandparents Jose Ocacio from Puerto Rico and Maria Pereira de Jesus who was a Hawaiian born daughter of immigrants from Madeira Raquel: 36 cM across 3 segments with 36cM unweighted DNA and longest segment being 14 cM. Eric: 42 cM across 3 segments with 44 cM unweighted DNA and longest segment being 24 cM John: 145 cM across 9 segments with 145 cM unweighted shared DNA and longest segment being 37 cM My mother's maternal 3rd cousins: most recent shared ancestors are their 2nd Great Grandparents Elias Andrew Walker and Josephine Evans whose ancestries were Colonial European American D.A.: 34 cM across 3 segments with 43 cM unweighted shared DNA with longest segment being 19 cM most recent shared ancest...