I did FamilyTreeDNA Full Mitochondrial Sequence Test which led to my being assigned refined mitochondrial haplogroup J1c14. FamilyTreeDNA Mitochondrial DNA video says that it's found in its highest frequency in Central Europe and was formed approximately 11,200 - 16,000 years. It also says that it also seen in lower rates in Near East, Caucasus, and North Africa. I have ten 0-Step matches. Five have unknown matrilineal origins, and five have the following matrilineal origins: 1 - Russian Federation 1- Poland 1 - Hungary 1 - Lithuania 1 - Austria https://www.familytreedna.com/mtdna-journey-videos/61110a2bc9e77c0001b79066 J1c14 is listed among the Jewish haplogroups at jewishdna site. https://jewishdna.net/Mtdna.html At 23andme, I have 9.3% Ashkenazi Jewish. At AncestryDNA, I have 12% European Jewish. For some reason, I have no Jewish at FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, LivingDNA, nor Sequencing. My maternal grandmother's mother Ruth Rosenthal was an Ashkenazi Jew ...