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Showing posts from August, 2021

My Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup J1c14

I did FamilyTreeDNA Full Mitochondrial Sequence Test which led to my being assigned refined mitochondrial haplogroup J1c14.  FamilyTreeDNA Mitochondrial DNA video says that it's found in its highest frequency in Central Europe and was formed approximately 11,200 - 16,000 years.  It also says that it also seen in lower rates in Near East, Caucasus, and North Africa. I have ten 0-Step matches. Five have unknown matrilineal origins, and five have the following matrilineal origins: 1 - Russian Federation 1- Poland  1 - Hungary 1 - Lithuania 1 - Austria J1c14 is listed among the Jewish haplogroups at jewishdna site. At 23andme, I have 9.3% Ashkenazi Jewish.  At AncestryDNA, I have 12% European Jewish. For some reason, I have no Jewish at FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, LivingDNA, nor Sequencing.  My maternal grandmother's mother Ruth Rosenthal was an Ashkenazi Jew ...

R1a1a Y DNA Haplogroup

  I have a great interest in Y DNA haplogroup R1a1a. My maternal grandmother's paternal grandmother's father/my 3rd Great Grandfather Thomas Eugene Kasinger's Y DNA haplogroup was R1a1a according to the 23andme results of his grandson/my 1st Cousin, 3X removed.  My 3rd Great Grandfather Thomas' most distant known patrilineal ancestor in USA was his 3rd Great Grandfather/my 8th Great Grandfather Andreas Kessinger who immigrated to Pennsylvania from the Palatinate, Germany in 1737.  23andme doesn't do full Y DNA testing, and there are no descendants of Andreas Kessinger that did Y DNA testing at FamilyTreeDNA.  Therefore, my Kessinger family line's particular R1a1a downstream haplogroup is unknown.  I joined R1a facebook group.  To my surprise, I found out that some Indian men had it.  R1a1a haplogroup is haplogroup common in both Europe and Asia.  All of this I learned back in 2013 which was when I first connected with my late 1st cousin, 3X Remove...

Ancient Roman Genetics

 I know that I have some ancient ancestry from the Romans due to my recent European ancestry being Portuguese, English, Ashkenazi Jew, German, Swiss, Spanish, Scottish, Irish, French, Welsh, Dutch, and Frisian. At MyTrueAncestry, my mother and I have a lot of Roman DNA samples. Two of my British Colonial Virginian family lines maternal Walker and paternal Goodman have J2 Y DNA haplogroups. Walker family line has a J2-L70 haplogroup.   Two of my paternal Acadian family lines Dugas and Gautrot/Gautreau have J2 Y DNA haplogroups. Dugas has a J2a haplogroup One of my paternal Acadian family lines d'Entremont has a Y DNA E1b1b1 haplogroup  One of my British Colonial Connecticut lines Hoyt has a Y DNA E1b1b1 haplogroup. The Romans spread J2 and E1b1b in various areas in Europe. Therefore, I  am very interested in the genetic history of Rome. Stanford researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome The study, published Nov. 8 in Science, focuses on the ancient DNA of...

Ordered African Ancestry Patriclan test

  I just ordered  African Ancestry's Patriclan test to find out more about my patrilineal ancestry. According to 23andme, I have E-M85 (E2b1a) which is a SubSaharan African haplogroup that indicates that I don't descend from a European Scott nor any other European on my paternal line. 1 in 7,600 23andme customers share my haplogroup assignment. The mean variance of STR alleles of E-M85 chromosomes is higher in Central-Western Africans than in the Southern African Khoisan, leading researchers to propose that E-M85 might have been involved in the range expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples from Central-Western Africa toward Southern Africa.  I grew up not knowing my father nor his side of the family just like my mother grew up not knowing her mother nor her side of the family.  I connected with my paternal grandmother Mary Alice Gaines' side back in 2014 and have met my father's maternal halfsister, children, and grandchildren. My paternal grandmother died in 1987. That ...